tidbit time

>> Monday, February 22, 2010

It's been awhile since I've done a "tidbit" post. Alison from Targetmommy Diaries gave me the reminder. So, here ya go...

10 things i like right now:

1. Jesus (always...lately i've been learning more and more about Him)
2. softball
3. sony ebook reader
4. DIY pedicures
5. herbal essences tousle me softly hair products
6. caramello candy bars
7. snuggling
8. pillows
9. kelley and bethany (they amaze me)
10. shopping

10 things i do not like right now:

1. pizza
2. mornings
3. fatigue
4. migraines
5. new trend of sharing porn addictions with the public (that's personal...TMI!)
6. bickering
7. mood swings
8. loud neighbors
9. kid bullies
10. laundry

10 things i do not care about right now:

1. the olympics (i prefer the summer olympics)
2. reality tv
3. tiger woods and his lame excuses
4. jennifer aniston
5. petty drama from adults
6. facebook games that clog up my news feed
7. the 2012 presidential election
8. hummus and all those other trendy foods
9. dieting
10. gymboree (gasp! the girls have moved on and i guess i have too)


Allison February 22, 2010 at 11:16 PM  

Love this! I'm going to have to do it too!

Sandgroper February 23, 2010 at 1:52 AM  

Hey it was good to 'see' you! Great list, something I need to sit down and do methinks to help me take stock. Take care.

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