ponder this with me...

>> Friday, July 17, 2009

i have heard a question come up several times over the past few months that i've never heard before in all of my life.

not one to believe in coincidences i am certain it means that we should finally answer this question once and for all...

if a turtle loses it's shell would it be naked or homeless?

(now the obvious answer would be that the turtle would likely be R.I.P.)

but for the sake of deep thought i'm going to go against the many who say homeless.

i believe the turtle would be naked...why?

because you can't furnish a shell.

seems like an easy answer to me, what do you think?


Kathy July 17, 2009 at 3:47 PM  

lol....this too funny because Courtney was just asking me the other day what happens when a turtle loses its shell!!

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