
>> Friday, February 8, 2013


Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me

Is there anyone home?

Well...here I am again. What, going on 3 years since my last post? I'll admit it was dusty and cobwebs were everywhere in here!

Surely I owe y'all an explanation of where I've been, why I've not blogged...at all! And how I find myself here tonight. Er, this morning. I keep vampire hours these days not sure why.

But first I wanted to know if anyone still was actually around? If you are please leave a comment, even a wow! and that's all. Or you can chat, that's fine too.

I arrived here, not knowing if I could even find the way and did get lost a couple times. But I made it, and it was one place that I knew I could check a linkable button. Yep, I made one and it works!

So if anyone's still around, I'll be back and try to give a somewhat wrap up of a whole lot of time. Reading one of my last posts, Kelley and Bethany were finishing 4th and 6th grade. Now they are halfway through 8th and 6th grade. And oh mercy, we are in the midst of tween/teenage years around here.

More later!



Anonymous,  February 8, 2013 at 11:02 AM  

Hello, I was pleasantly surprised to see your post in my RSS feeder. I'm glad that I procrastinated and never removed your blog when you quit posting.

I am doing well and hope you are too.
Sylv (sdale)

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