L is for a little bit about me

>> Sunday, October 25, 2009

lymphoma. been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

lazy. sometimes.

las vegas. i've never been there as an adult, but i have been as a kid. twice i won the jackpot on the nickel slots. my parents had to collect my winnings.

lumpia. is really good and i wish someone would make me some.

laundry. my downfall. seriously it never ends, it just keeps going on, my friends.

love. it's my everything.

los angeles. we visited there during one of our las vegas trips. pretty neat, got to see the hollywood sign and all. while touring the neighborhoods of the rich and famous, someome was having a big party and the valet tried to park us. we almost considered going just to see who's party it was.

learning. i'm pretty old now, but i learn something new everyday it seems.

lava lamp. i have one, but i'm not sure where it is...it may have gotten lost during one of our many moves.

letters. in the age of email and texting, nothing beats a hand written letter.


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