a few facts about healthcare coverage-obama style

>> Saturday, November 8, 2008

i've been reading blogs tonight and i keep reading something that is causing me to have this funny eye twitch. so i thought i would share some information (credits to chris for putting this together).

As Barack Obama has stated all throughout his campaign, if you are happy with your current insurance coverage, either your individual plan or through your employer, you can stay with it. Those who are not satisfied will have the option of buying into the same health care plan that government employees enjoy. One of the major breakthroughs will be the fact that an insurance company can no longer deny your coverage and/or charge you outrageous premiums.

I feel I need to highlight that our new president elect, Barack Obama, has not proposed a National Health Care plan that is solely run by the government. In fact his plan:

~ Requires insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions so all Americans regardless of their health status or history can get comprehensive benefits at fair and stable premiums.

~ Creates a new Small Business Health Tax Credit to help small businesses provide affordable health insurance to their employees.

~ Lowers costs for businesses by covering a portion of the catastrophic health costs they pay in return for lower premiums for employees.

~ Prevents insurers from overcharging doctors for their malpractice insurance and invest in proven strategies to reduce preventable medical errors.

~ Makes employer contributions more fair by requiring large employers that do not offer coverage or make a meaningful contribution to the cost of quality health coverage for their employees to contribute a percentage of payroll toward the costs of their employees health care.

~ Establish a National Health Insurance Exchange with a range of private insurance options as well as a new public plan based on benefits available to members of Congress that will allow individuals and small businesses to buy affordable health coverage.

~ Ensures everyone who needs it will receive a tax credit for their premiums.


notjustanylisa November 14, 2008 at 8:52 AM  

Love this explanation. Thanks for clarifying. :) I love Obama too. :P

cutiepiescustomcreations November 15, 2008 at 3:11 PM  

Just popping in to say Hello & let you know you are missed! Wish we could have "celebrated" together last week :) Hope you & the family are doing well.

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